Yoga with Daphne


I have trained with the British Wheel of Yoga 500 hours and I am a fully qualified Yoga Teacher and a qualified Yoga Therapist CNHC registered. In the past I have worked at Wessex Cancer on a one to one basis with people living with cancer. I have been receiving treatment for stomach lining cancer (Peritoneal). During the chemotherapy months of treatment, yoga was my greatest friend.

Yoga, my greatest friend.

I understand the importance of fitness whilst undergoing treatment for any illness, including cancer. Working with breath awareness, postures relaxation, and meditation was of amazing benefit to me. There were good days and bad days, but the drill is the same for us all. Stay positive whilst we are living with Cancer, or illness stay physically active, work with our mind and our physical well -being.

We have two paths to venture into

The path of weeds or the garden of flowers.

If we don’t water the weeds of Why? and What if ? they will wither away

If we water the flowers of acceptance, we have control and the flowers will bloom and grow. So much more pleasant to walk in a garden of flowers than a path of weeds.

I am continuing my healing journey on a three weekly treatment plan on a watch and see basis. Please join me with regaining fitness and calming the mind.