Celebrating our men

‘Wessex Cancer Support is big enough to really make a difference to local people affected by cancer, yet small enough to care about its staff and volunteers’   – Mark, Head of Retail
November is Men’s Health Awareness Month, and we’re delighted that more men are coming to us for support. So far in 2023, 39% of our clients are male – compared with 32% in 2022.

It’s an encouraging trend, and we’re working hard to show men why our personalised support can be beneficial – whether they have cancer themselves, are supporting a loved one, or are bereaved. We have dedicated groups for men, which you can find out about here.

At Wessex Cancer Support, we’re proud of our team of compassionate and kind men who work in office roles, befriending, volunteering, counselling and retail to support local men and women affected by cancer.

Some of them have been telling us how they feel about working in the charity sector and why Wessex Cancer Support is special:

Adam, Fundraising Prospect Researcher

“The charity sector was always appealing, because I’m drawn towards work that brings about social impact. My role enables me to discover just how many businesses and trusts are out there that are interested in what we do, and are willing to lend their support. It brings a good feeling. What’s special about our charity is the emphasis we place on the individual. We ensure the support our client receives is always tailored to their unique needs.”

Conor, Coordinator of our Chandler’s Ford support centre  



“My motivation for coming to work in the charity sector was simple – I wanted to help people. Working at Wessex Cancer Support has given me the opportunity to do that in a role which is both challenging and rewarding in equal measure. Being in the centre on a daily basis, I get to see first-hand the impact our work has on the lives of local people living with cancer and that is very satisfying. Our charity is special because of our personalised approach to cancer support. We work with our clients to ensure they receive the best possible care.”

Geoffrey, Community Ambassador and Volunteer Befriender



“I first came to Wessex Cancer Support in February 2017 during my treatment for thyroid cancer. The whole ethos and support from the Bournemouth cancer support centre was truly remarkable. Keen to give back, I became a Community Ambassador and I help to spread the word about the cancer support available throughout our local area. I’m also a volunteer befriender and walk leader. As we men can be reticent and reluctant to express feelings and come forward, I think being a man at the centre puts other men at ease and they begin to open up. I can then encourage them. The attendees at my talks tend to be men too and I think that helps to build trust and rapport so they absorb the information more readily.”

Mark, Director of Retail

“After a 32-year career in hospitality, I joined the charity retail sector just under a decade ago and immediately wished I’d done it years ago. My role enables me to work for people who need support, rather than shareholders. I joined Wessex Cancer Support because I lost both my parents very prematurely to cancer and therefore what I do is personal. Wessex Cancer Support is a great organisation because it’s big enough to really make a difference to people affected by cancer, yet small enough to care about its staff and volunteers.”

Phil, Wellbeing Coordinator

“I love working for Wessex Cancer Support because it’s very much a community focussed charity which supports loved ones, as well as anyone who has cancer. It’s hugely rewarding, because we’re there for people at a very challenging time in their lives and when they need the support most and may feel lost or isolated. Men can be as compassionate and supportive as women, but they often find it harder to access support. They tell me it can really help to talk to me, without fear of judgement. In my role, I get to see first hand how much our clients benefit from our support and that’s hugely rewarding.”

Babatunde Akeem, Trust Fundraiser

“I’m delighted to be working in the charity sector because I feel privileged to be fulfilling my purpose to add value to humanity. We’re a charity which receives no government funding and relies on donations to carry on providing our services, so my role as a Trust Fundraiser allows me to make a real difference to the lives of people affected by cancer by applying for grants and writing reports to show Trusts how their funding has made an impact.”