Every year our collection cans raise thousands of pounds to support local people living cancer.

Collection cans are an important tool to raise funds as well as awareness of the services Wessex Cancer Support offers. We are looking for local businesses who are willing to have a can (or two) in their business!

One Collection Can collects around £25, once it is full.
This can fund a counselling session for one of our clients.

Collection Can Site Holder

We currently have many venues that hold our collections cans. From pubs to garden centres and everything in between, any business can hold our cans and support local people living with cancer.

Collection Can Coordinator

Wessex Cancer Support Can Coordinators are the face and voice of Wessex Cancer Support in the community. Every year our Can Collectors raise thousands of pounds to support local people living cancer. From making connections with local shops, pubs and businesses to replacing the collection cans when they are full you’ll have the opportunity to use your skills and positively impact our work.

Request a Collection Can

If you’d like to request a collection can to start fundraising in your local store then please book below and we’ll be in touch. We look forward to hearing from you!

Order a Collection Can today [link for sign up form]

Contact us

For more information or support contact our Fundraising and Events Team
Email: fundraising@wessexcancer.org.uk
Telephone: 023 8067 2200

How your money helps