Make a complaint

We seek to ensure that complaints are:

  • Listened to and investigated thoroughly
  • Dealt with consistently throughout Wessex Cancer Support
  • Acknowledged speedily and recorded
  • Dealt within an appropriate and timely manner
  • Learned from.

If you would like to make a complaint to Wessex Cancer Support you can contact us using any of these options

Call us on

023 8067 2200 (Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm)

Write to us

91-95 Winchester Road,
Chandlers Ford,
SO53 2GG

Email us

We will acknowledge your complaint within three working days of receiving a complaint and send a formal response within three weeks.

If you are not happy with our response please let us know as soon as possible. Your complaint will be referred to a more senior member of staff, who will carry out a review and let you know the outcome.

If you remain dissatisfied with our response you can contact the Charity Commission (0845 300 0218 or or the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (01382 220446 or for advice.

The Fundraising Regulator

We are a member of the Fundraising Regulator (FR). The FR is the body for self-regulation of fundraising in the UK. The FR scheme is open to all fundraising organisations. As a member of the FR, Wessex Cancer Support agrees to adhere to the highest standards of good practise with our fundraising and a Fundraising Promise. You can read the Fundraising Promise on the FR website. You are entitled to take your complaint directly to the FR.

Their contact details are

Fundraising Regulator,
2nd floor,
CAN Mezzanine Building,
49-51 East Road,
N1 6AH.

Telephone: 0300 999 3407