Ovarian Cancer Awareness

March is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month and we are supporting Wessex Cancer Alliance to help raise awareness and encourage women to know the signs of ovarian cancer and contact their GP if they are concerned. We want more women to be diagnosed at an earlier stage, when treatment and outcomes are more likely to be successful.

Around 350 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer in Wessex Cancer Alliance every year.

In 2020, 63 per cent of cases were diagnosed at a late stage. Women can be diagnosed with ovarian cancer at any age, but it’s more common in women aged between 75 and 79.

The main symptoms of ovarian cancer are:

-persistent bloating or a swollen tummy

-reduced appetite of feeling full quickly after eating

-pain or tenderness in your tummy or pelvis (the area between the hips)

-urinary symptoms (needing to wee more urgently or more often).

These will be:

-frequent – they will usually happen 12 times per month

-persistent – they don’t go away

-new – they’re not normal for you.

There are many other (non-cancer) causes for these symptoms but if you are concerned, it’s best to get them checked out.

Please contact your GP if you have been experiencing any of these symptoms for three weeks or more. Nine times out of ten it will not be cancer, but catching it early will make it easier to treat.

Find out more about Ovarian Cancer and details of organisations that offer support on this dedicated website.

Click here to be directed to the Cancer Matters Wessex website.